15 May 2010


hello everyone who still always read my blog :D :D
tdi pagi cerah yaa enak tuh bwt jalan
tpi skrg mendung -_-
pdhl kan bulan ini hrusnya musim panas
kok hujan melulu sih?
pdhl kata ayahku klo musim hujan itu bulan2 -ber
kayak desember, oktober gt2 tpi skrg kan mei
emangnya meiber? *jelas
hmm kok gw jdi inget justin bieber sih?  *udah.. udah cukup riz
ohh mungkin hujan itu kan dingin jdnya berrr..berr... (mksudnya menggigil -_- brr..brr..) makanya bulannya yg -ber -ber *gilanya tambah parah

masa td aku makan es krim haagen dazs, dibeliin sama ayahku td malem di all fresh eh tpi aku g ikut beli es krimnya, kasian ya aku.. (berasa di diary) belinya dua, satu vanilla satunya lgi choc choc chips (serius tulisannya bgitu) pdhl aku pengennya baskin robbins yg cookies and cream tpi g papa deh kan kita g boleh ngeluh kata ibuku (sesese). aku makan yg choc2 dlu eh enak lho chocolate chipsnya bnyak hehe kayak di surga (lebay) pas buka yg vanilla weekk rasanya kayak di neraka ;s (apa sih) g enak bgt. 

when i browsing some cool sites, i found this cool quotes. it's about life i mean about our life. let's read this cool words

haha funny, but it's true!! if you're stupid, this life will like a hell, why?? cause maybe you can't get a job, what company would accept a stupid person? definitely no. and maybe there is no one who wants to be friends with stupid people.so sucks right? ini mungkin terdengar klise ya "carilah ilmu setinggi-tingginya" kalimat ini sering bgt gw denger sampe bosen tauga but this word have a huge meaning.


dri semua quotes yg gw baca ini yang paling gw suka. cool word, is'nt it? if you make a mistakes you can't erase the mistakes that you have been made not like in whiteboard, but you CAN correct the mistakes.


quotes yang ini g bisa gw bilangin, lo cari tau sndiri aja, gw jg blom bisa nemu mksud kata ini apa. tpi mungkin pas gw udh gede gw bkal bisa ngbuktiin klo quotes ini bner.

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